शनिवार, ४ जुलै, २००९


Was heading towards chorbazar
to search for one of my lost treasure
Thought the thief would have sold it there
and I will buy, may be paying even double ..

Chor chor , when i heard
saw i was being chased
when i turned-
i was seen first time, i feared
i ran and ran making road thin
hid in one corner saving my skin

one passer by saved the scene
advising me to give in
whatever i had to those making sin
So i gave my mobile valuable
bought out of my first earn
Quietly they disappeared
making me solid disturbed

There came the hand of passer by
asking for commission in this Deal
realized i, there was no need to go further
There were chor all around rather
will any one tell me , which bazar to go
to get back the lost values
or will i find there also....
such a deal of cultural improvo?


My favourite game Mom, only one Cricket
I get so much peace so that I do not hesitate
All of us meet and communicate direct
We tell each other every- day secret
Let me go Mom, to play cricket..

Cricket cricket, whole worlde plays cricket
You only feel Mom, time spent waste
Surely not Mom, we build good circuit
We work hard and drive away storms fast
Let me go Mom, to play cricket..

Mom I am going, else they will take my wicket
Friends will tease me and will make me target
They will make me stand in front of net
Mom please.. do not disturb our nicet set
Mom.. I am going .. to play this cricket..


मै हु अकेला
कोई मिले ना मिले दूसरा

जाऊ मै जहाँ जहाँ
करू मै प्यारका बसेरा

आएगी साथ साथ यादें तुम्हारी
लेके जायेगी सारी उदासी मेरी

बीत जायेंगे ये सारे सारे दिन
कहानी बनेगी एक प्यारभरी

सुनूंगा मै..
फ़िर भी मई अकेला ॥

बनूँगा मै युहीं यादोंका सहारा ॥